Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Islam's Clothing Codes

Differ from other religions, Islam has strict rules about clothing. They believe that there are some benefits of dressing up in muslim's way. The main purpose of their clothing is to cover their whole body, except their faces and hands, for women, so that the opposite sex won't get too "excited". Islam's clothing rules are derived from three major sources. First,they are derived from the Quran, the Islam's holy bible. Second, they also derived from the tradition of the prophet Muhammad. lastly, they are derived from Muslim scholars and jurists.
The first source of Islam's clothing codes come from the Quran. In the Quran, in chapter 18, Sura 24, verses 30-31, God states “Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty...And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and adornments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers...(a list of exceptions)". According to this chapter, we all know that this is the commentment from above that they must believe and follow. They will get punishment from disobeying God.
The second source of Islam's clothing rules come from the tradition of the prophet Muhammad. Muslim believe that prophet Muhammad is the emissary of God. Muhammad was appointed by God to lead the people to the right path. Thus, technically, God told his commandments through Muhammad,and this is why Muhammad was appointed as prophet. There is a quote from the prophet Muhammad that say "...If the woman reaches the age of puberty, no part of her body should be seen but this --- and he pointed to his face and hands". Muslims women are not suppose to show their bodies, except to their husbands.
Lastly, Islam's clothing rules come from Muslim scholars and jurists. The vast majority of Muslim scholars and jurists, past and present, have determined the minimum requirements for Muslim women's and men's clothing. Muslim's women must cover their whole bodies, from head to toe, except their faces and hands. Not only do they cover their bodies, but also they don't suppose to wear clothes which reveal the exact shape of the bodies. For Muslim men, they must always be covered from the navel to the knees. Muslim men should not wear tight, revealing the exact shape of the bodies. They also don't allow to wear silk clothing and gold jewelry.
Dressing up properly is an important rule to obey by Muslim men and women. They will get punishment for disobeying the rule. For example, Marjane's mother got insulted by the fundamentalist man, and she was threaten by them because she didn't wear the proper clothes. The main purpose of covering their bodies is so that men won't get too excited and it is for their own safety.

Work Cited:

"Quran" Sura 24. 1997-2007. submission. 16 November 2008

"Quran" Sura 33. 1997-2007. submission. 16 November 2008

Persepolis. New York: Pantheon, 2003


Yoel Jonathan said...

I really like your presentation about Islamic dress code. Thank you for your outstanding informations about the Islamic dress code in a fundamentalist country like Iran. I think these informations are very important for us as students in order to increase the awareness of other's culture. Good job and thank you very much.

Yoel Jonathan said...

Just by reading this, I already have learned so much, things I never knew before. This is excellent and very informative.

Angelina Mendez

LindaVo said...

It's so crazy how strict their dress codes are! It's ridiculous. Thanks for the great information on this. It's good to get information on subject like this. It helps me appreciate my life even more. I cannot imagine living in a world where I am unable to do what I want and wear what I want. Women should not be treated like that. Women should be able to feel free and beautiful about themselves. Thanks for the blog! It really let me know about a different culture's dress code and how strict it is.