Monday, November 24, 2008

Human Rights

"People believe what they want to believe". This quote has become my principle since I went to Christian junior high school. Even though I am a Catholic, many of my friends were provoking me, sometimes bullied me, to believe in their religion. I was forced to pray in their way. I was told that Catholic should not pray to Holy Marie, mother of God. It is a sin to pray whenever there is statue. Now, I've been wondering, What is the point of insisting me to change my belief? I really do not understand why Protestant make a big fuss or sometimes insulting Catholics even though they believe in the same Bible and the same God. Not only do Protestants do this to other people, but also Muslims. From my point of view, these two religions have the strongest faith to insult people to believe in their Gods. Worse, Muslims sometimes use violence to "satisfy" their God. Similar to the book Persepolis, fundamental people beat everybody who does not want to follow the rules about how they should dress up ( Satrapi 76). Back to my country, Indonesia, there are many incidents where Muslim kills Christians because they forced the non-Muslim to change their beliefs. The Christians were forced to say the Shahadad, sentence we must say to become Muslim, or they would kill them. I keep wondering, why do people do this insanity to insult other people's beliefs? What would they gain of abusing others? We, as human being, have the right to possess ones religions. We should respect other people's beliefs and that is the only way to live in peace.

Work Cited:

Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis. New York: Pantheon, 2003

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