Wednesday, November 19, 2008


As I read the book, Persepolis, I found something interesting about "The Key" part. In this chapter, Marjane tells the story about young boys who were taught to go to war in order to get "The key to Heaven". Since they were kids, they were recruited by the military to serve their country, by going to war, and they were promised a better life in heaven. Marjane's uncle, Shahab, had the same experience that the other boys had. He explained, with broken hearted, that every day there were busses full of kids. The politician had successfully hipnotized those youngs and heartlessly tossed them into wars (pg. 94-102). I found this part interesting because some groups of Muslim still do this kind of act. In today's life, we are haunted by the terrorists who are speard in all over the world and kill innocent people due to their mission, to kill the ones who are not Muslims. Terrorist were taught to kill the "guilty" in order to get better life in Heaven, Just like in Persepolis. After I've done some research about Islam, I found a very good news for Muslim who are in still in the right track. From the website that I found, the Muslim priest said that there was nothing in the Quran said to kill anyone, whether he or she was Muslim or non-Muslim. The man in the video also said that the true Muslim should not support terrorism in any circumtances. As we all know, most people think that Muslims are the terrorists and they are going to kill us all. Most people think that Islam's doctrines are cruel. Personally, I disagree about it because the doctrines are not the ones to be blame. As I have said in one of my blogs, about Islam as Religion, many people have false understanding about the Quran and teach false lessons to other people. Those "fake" priests are the ones we should point out.

Work Cited:

Nnabilos. "Mail Box By Yusuf Estes - Terrorism in the Qur'an?" Video. 7 August 2008. Youtube. 18 November 2008.

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