Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Islam's Social Codes

I really like Giselle's presentation on Monday about Islam's Social Codes. She explained that there are many restrictions in term of everyday life. In some of Islam countries; such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Iran, the governments have extremely strict laws to control their social lives. For instance, alcohol is strongly prohibited to possess and to consume. They believe that drinking alcohol is a sin and will lead them to hell. Every man or woman can be jailed for possessing alcohol beverages. More, they also have strict laws about relationship between man and woman. In those certain countries, men and women are seperated in some places; such as mosque, school, and even restaurant. Men and women are not supposed to have body contact at all before they got married. Just like the alcohol possession that I have said, they can be jailed or got ticket for breaking those laws. I feel very bad when Giselle explained that there were some people whom got executed because they didn't follow the Islam's laws. She mentioned that there was a woman who cheated on her husband, and she was stoning to death. My heart broke and relieve at the same time when I heard about it. I feel really sad about it because their ways to punish people are not in the right track at all. Does their God really want them to kill the sins? Are they taught to kill the sins? If they do, what kind of God do they believe in? I don't understand whom I should blame, whether the God or the people. On the other hand, I feel relieve because my country, Indonesia, doesn't have those brutal rules, although Indonesia is an Islam country. I can't imagine how bad it is of living under those kind of laws. I just feel fortunate about where I come from.

1 comment:

iry said...

That is so unbelievable the way they punish people and what they call a sin.